

Teaching and learning take precedence over all other activities at College of Global Talents, thus students are expected to attend and participate in all scheduled classes in which they have enrolled. Because of the unique nature of each course, the course instructor is in the best position to determine fair and reasonable attendance and make-up policies for his/her course. Guidance on developing attendance and make-up policies can be provided by the Program Director or course management team.

If a student's absence from class is due to conditions beyond his/her control and he/she wishes to justify make-up work (e.g. assignments), the student should normally apply for leave at least three working days before leave or in case of emergency (e.g. acute sickness or other situation deemed as emergent by a course instructor) within three working days after the absence.

To apply for leave, a student should

     1)     download, print out and fill in Student's Leave Application Form with supporting documents attached (e.g. a doctor's medical certification), if any;

     2)     seek recommendation from Academic Affairs Office (AAO) located at Room QA102;

     3)     seek approval from each course instructor concerned;

     4)     seek "noted" signature from Student Affairs Service Center (SASC) at Room QA119 and keep the original leave form;

     5)     report back to SASC at Room QA119 within two working days upon return to school.

In case of emergency, it is the student's own responsibility to first communicate (e.g. via email) with each course instructor concerned about the absence and then complete the above leave procedure within three working days upon return to school.

For sick leave, a doctor's medical certification is needed for justifying make-up work.

For enquiry on leave procedure, please send an email tosasc@cgt.bitzh.edu.cn.