英文名字 Han C.W. HSIAO 职务 副教授
教研组 计算机科学与工程 办公室 QA307
电子邮箱 han.hsiao@cgt.bitzh.edu.cn









办公电话:(0756) 383-5170


办公时间:周二 9:00-12:00 13:00-16:00

周三 13:00-15:00

周四 13:00-15:00








投入教学工作前,曾在美国陆军工程兵团(USACE)所属建筑工程研究实验室(CERL)下辖的机器人中心(Robotic Center)及业务流程部门(Business Process Division)担任研究程序员两年。随后参与数字图书馆先导计划(Digital Library Initiative),担任两年半的研究助理。该大型科研项目第一期始于1990年代初期,由美国国家科学基金会(NSF)、美国国家航空航天局(NASA)、美国国防部先进研究计划局(DARPA)赞助,共分六大主题,分别由斯坦福大学、卡内基梅隆大学、美国加州大学伯克利分校、加州大学圣巴巴拉分校、密歇根大学安娜堡分校及伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳—香槟分校执行科研项目。返台后加入台湾防灾科技计划办公室信息系统研究群,担任博士后研究员。除与气象学、泥石流、防洪、地震工程、地震学研究群密切合作,并带领团队开发了一系列灾害管理决策支持系统。


2010 Best Teaching Award, Asia University

2007 Research Excellence Award, Asia University

1996 Award of Excellence, USACE Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

1994 Award of Excellence, USACE Construction Engineering Research Laboratory



1. Sheng-Chuan Wang, Han C.W. Hsiao, Chun-Cheng Lin, Hui-Hsin Chin, Multi-objective wireless sensor network deployment problem with cooperative distance-based sensing coverage,Mobile Networks and Applications, 2020. (SCI, accepted for publication)

2. Sheng-Chuan Wang, Chun-Cheng Lin, Ta-Cheng Chen, Han C.W. Hsiao, Multi-objective competitive location problem with distance-based attractiveness for two facilities,Computers and Electrical Engineering, 71, October 2018, pp. 237-250. (SCI)

3. Choun-Sea Lin, Chen-Tran Hsu, Ling-Hung Yang, Lan-Ying Lee, Jin-Yuan Fu, Qiao-Wei Cheng, Fu-Hui Wu, Han C.-W. Hsiao, Yesheng Zhang, Ru Zhang, Wan-Jung Chang, Chen-Ting Yu, Wen Wang, Li-Jen Liao, Stanton B. Gelvin, Ming-Che Shih, Application of protoplast technology to CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis: from single-cell mutation detection to mutant plant regeneration,Plant Biotechnology Journal, 16(7), July 2018, pp. 1295–1310. (SCI)

4. Choun-Sea Lin†, Jeremy J. W. Chen†, Chi-Chou Chiu†, Han C. W. Hsiao†, Chen-Jui Yang†, Xiao-Hua Jin†, James Leebens-Mack†, Claude W. de Pamphilis, Yao-Ting Huang, Ling-Hung Yang, Wan-Jung Chang, Ling Kui, Gane Ka-Shu Wong, Jer-Ming Hu, Wen Wang and Ming-Che Shih, Concomitant loss of NDH complex-related genes within chloroplast and nuclear genomes in some orchids,The Plant Journal, 90(5), June 2017, pp. 994-1006. (SCI, †These authors contributed equally to this work.)

5. Han C.W. Hsiao, S.H. Chen, P.C. Chang, and Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, Predicting subcellular locations of eukaryotic proteins using Bayesian andk-nearest neighbor classifiers,Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 24(5), September 2008, pp. 1361-1375. (SCI)

6. S. Wang, R.M. Hu, Han C. W. Hsiao, David A. Hecht, K.L. Ng, R.M. Chen, Phillip C. Y. Sheu, and Jeffrey J. P. Tsai, Using SCDL for integrating tools and data for complex biomedical applications,International Journal of Semantic Computing, 2(2), June 2008, pp. 291-308.

7. C.S. Lin, C.J. Liang, H.W. Hsaio, M.J. Lin, and W.C. Chang, In vitro flowering of green and albinoDendrocalamus latiflorus,New Forests, 34(2), September 2007, pp. 177-186. (SCI)

8. H.W. Hsiao, W.H. Hsiao, C.K. Hsu, and Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, A novel feature with dynamic time warping and least squares adjustment for protein structure alignment,Asian Journal of Health and Information Sciences, 1(3), October 2006, pp. 261-275. (NSC93-2745-E-468-007-URD)

9. C.S. Lin, H.L. Lin, W.N. Jane, H.W. Hsiao, C.C. Lin, F.Y. Jheng, and W.C. Chang, Changes in the morphology and cation content of aBambusa edulisxylem mutant,vse, derived from somaclonal variation,Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 131(4), July 2006, pp. 445-451. (SCI)

10. H.W. Hsiao, M.S. Tsai, and S.C. Wang, Spatial data mining of colocation patterns for decision support in agriculture,Asian Journal of Health and Information Sciences, 1(1), April 2006, pp. 61-72.

11. K.L. Ng, P.H. Lee, C.H. Huang, J.F. Fang, H.W. Hsiao, and Jeffery J.P. Tsai, Hierarchical structure of the protein-protein interaction networks,Chinese Journal of Physics, 44(1), February 2006, pp. 67-77. (SCI)

12. C.S. Lin, M.J. Cheng, H.W. Hsiao, P.I. Hong, F.Y. Jheng, C.C. Lin, and W.C. Chang, Stamen-less inflorescence proliferation ofBambusa edulis,Scientia Horticulturae, 107(1), December 2005, pp. 76-80. (SCI)

13. C.S. Lin, C.T. Chen, H.W. Hsiao, and W.C. Chang, Effects of growth regulators on direct flowering of isolated ginseng budsin vitro,Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 83(2), November 2005, pp. 241-244. (SCI)

14. H.W. Hsiao, M.S. Tsai, and Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, Distributed mining of partial periodic patterns in sequences,Journal of Internet Technology, 6(4), October 2005, pp. 445-452. (EI) (NSC 92-2218-E-159-005)

15. 孙志鸿、林祥伟、萧翰文,利用诠释数据建立因特网地理数据库的分享与流通环境,台湾大学图书信息学刊,第十四期,1999,pp. 71-92。

16. H.W. Hsiao and K.W. Wong, Automatic matching of buildings and corners,Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 65(7), July 1999, pp. 803-810. (SCI)

17. 陈良健、萧翰文,混合式匹配于使用SPOT立体像对产生数值地形模型之研究,航空测量及遥感探测,第十九期,1990,pp. 3-21。


1. Han C.W. Hsiao, Sean H.F. Chen, and Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, Deep learning for risk analysis of specific cardiovascular diseases using environmental data and outpatient records,IEEE 16thInternational Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, 2016, pp. 369-372.

2. Sean H.F. Chen and Han C.W. Hsiao, Fast detection of microaneurysms in color fundus images,IEEE 2ndInternational Conference on Multimedia Big Data, 2016, pp. 365-371.

3. Dylan C.F. Chu and Han C.W. Hsiao, A framework for semantic image retrieval from an atlas of ophthalmology using annotations,2012 Information Technology Applications and Management Conference, 2012, CD-ROM.

4. Tsung-Ying Tsai and Han C.W. Hsiao, Predicting protein methylation sites with physicochemical properties,Joint International Conference of Biophysics and 14thAnnual Conference of the Biophysical Society of ROC, 2009, P2-008. (Poster)

5. Hsuan-Horng Chen and Han C.W. Hsiao, Segmentation of protein structures,Joint International Conference of Biophysics and 14thAnnual Conference of the Biophysical Society of ROC, 2009, P2-022. (Poster)

6. Alan C.H. Chen, Han C.W. Hsiao, and Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, Phylogenetic analysis using nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins,IEEE 9thInternational Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, 2009, pp. 374-377.

7. Charles C.N. Wang, David A. Hecht, Han C.W. Hsiao, Phillip C.Y. Sheu, and Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, Describing dynamic biological systems in SPDL and SCDL,IEEE 9thInternational Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, 2009, pp. 455-460.

8. Sean J.S. Lee, Han C.W. Hsiao, and Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, Residue contact with dynamic time warping and least squares adjustment for protein structure alignment,2009 Conference in Information Technology and Applications in Outlying Islands, 2009, CD-ROM.

9. D. Hecht, R.M. Hu, R.M. Chen, J.W. Ou, C.Y. Hsu, H. Gong, K.L. Ng, Han C.W. Hsiao, Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, and Phillip C-Y Sheu, BioSemantic System: Applications of structured natural language to biological and biochemical research,IEEE International Workshop on Ambient Semantic Computingin conjunction withIEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing, 2008, pp. 386-393.

10. H.W. Hsiao, H.K. Chung, C.K. Hsu, and Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, Potential function optimization using particle swarm approach to one-class classification,The 14thNational Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, 2006, CD-ROM. (NSC94-2745-E-468-007-URD)

11. H.W. Hsiao, W.H. Hsiao, H.K. Chung, C.K. Hsu, K.L. Ng, and C.M. Chang, Iterative alignment of protein structures using dynamic time warping and least squares adjustment,The 16thWorkshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, 2005, CD-ROM. (NSC93-2745-E-468-007-URD)

12. K.L. Ng, C.H. Huang, P.H. Lee, J.F. Fang, and H.W. Hsiao, Stability and fragility of the protein-protein interaction networks,2005 Bioinformatics in Taiwan, 2005, CD-ROM.

13. C.M. Chang and H.W. Hsiao, A novel ellipse detectors based on bounding frames,The 18thIPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 2005, CO-ROM.

14. W.H. Hsiao, H.W. Hsiao, and C.K. Hsu, Local structure alignment of protein sequences,2005 Symposium on Applications of Information, Management and Communication Technology, 2005, CD-ROM. (NSC93-2745-E-468-007-URD)

15. H.W. Hsiao, M.S. Tsai, and Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, Distributed discovery of asynchronous partial periodic patterns in sequence data using modified periodicity transform,IEEE 6thInternational Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering, 2004, pp. 370-377. (NSC 92-2218-E-159-005) (EI)

16. M.S. Tsai, H.W. Hsiao, and W.H. Hsiao, Mining asynchronous partial periodic patterns,The 9thConference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2004, CD-ROM. (NSC 92-2218-E-159-005)

17. S.H. Chen, H.W. Hsiao, and W.H. Hsiao, Predicting protein subcellular location using hybrid approach,Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2004, 2004, CD-ROM. (NSC 92-2218-E-159-005)

18. M.S. Tsai, H.W. Hsiao, and W.H. Hsiao, Distributed mining of partial periodic patterns in sequences,The 15thWorkshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, 2004, CD-ROM. (NSC 92-2218-E-159-005)

19. H.W. Hsiao and M.S. Tsai, Discovering co-location patterns for real estate analysis, 2003Symposium on Business Administration & Electronic Commerce, 2003, pp. 417-422.

20. H.W. Hsiao, Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, and S.H. Chen, Subcellular localization prediction of eukaryotic proteins using functional domain frequency measure,IEEE 5thInternational Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering, 2003, pp. 273-278.

21. H.W. Hsiao, Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, P.X. Wu, and R.M. Hu,In silicodiscovery of cancer-related genes by functional domain analysis,IEEE 5thInternational Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering, 2003, pp. 319-326.

22. H.W. Hsiao and M.S. Tsai, Spatial data mining for decision support in agriculture,2003 Symposium on Applications of Information Technology in Agriculture, 2003, pp. 151-155.

23. S.H. Chen and H.W. Hsiao, Subcellular localization prediction of eukaryotic proteins using functional domain frequency measure,The 14thWorkshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, 2003, pp. 155-160.

24. H.W. Hsiao and S.H. Chen, Subcellular localization prediction of eukaryotic proteins using functional domain and direct counting algorithm,The 6thConference on Engineering Technology and Applications of Chinese and Western Medicine, 2003, pp. 171-174.

25. P.X. Wu, H.W. Hsiao, and R.M. Hu, Functional domain analysis for mining cancer-related genes,The 6thConference on Engineering Technology and Applications of Chinese and Western Medicine, 2003, pp. 163-170.

26. Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, J.G. Chang, S.H. Shih, R.M. Chen, H.W. Hsiao, R.M. Hu, S.N. Chen, M.M. Lee, F.M. Liu, and W.L. Chan, A framework for cancer-related genes mining over the internet,The 3rdIEEE Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, 2003, pp. 426-435.

27. Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, J.G. Chang, S.H. Shih, R.M. Chen, H.W. Hsiao, R.M. Hu, S.N. Chen, M.M. Lee, W.L. Chan, P.X. Wu, W.H. Chen, S.S. Chen, F.M. Liu, and Y.C. Lin, A bioinformatics approach for exploring cancer-related genes,Workshop on Bioinformatics held in conjunction with 19thInternational Conference on Data Engineering, 2003.

28. H.W. Hsiao, L.S. Hsieh, C.H. Sun, and M.H. Hsu, Development of a real-time rainfall monitoring and flood warning system,Modern Engineering and Technology Seminar(METS 2000), 2000, pp. 451-463.

29. C.H. Sun, S.M. Wang, C.H. Loh, L.C. Chou, and H.W. Hsiao, Emergency response and disaster recovery using GIS on Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake,Canada-Taiwan Natural Hazards Mitigation Workshop, 2000.

30. H.W. Hsiao, L.S. Hsieh, C.H. Sun, and M.H. Hsu, Development of a real-time rainfall monitoring and flood warning system,The 2ndInternational Ocean and Atmosphere Conference(COAA 2000), 2000, pp. 595-603.

31. C.H. Sun, S.M. Wang, L.C. Chou, and H.W. Hsiao, Chi-Chi earthquake emergency response and disaster recovery using GIS,Australia-Taiwan Joint Symposium on Environmental Modeling and Management, 2000.

32. C.H. Sun, S.M. Wang, C.H. Loh, L.C. Chou, and H.W. Hsiao, Emergency response and disaster recovery using GIS on Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake,Taiwan-France Symposium on Natural Hazard Mitigation, 2000.

33. H.W. Hsiao and K.W. Wong, Recognition of common buildings in cartographic files, Symposium on Object Recognition and Scene Classification from Multispectral and Multisensor Pixels,ISPRS Commission III Symposium Program, 1998, pp. 239-243.